If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support, we're here to help.

​Come and See

Years ago, I placed my baby in open adoption.
​Today I help other women do the same.


Years ago, I placed my baby in open adoption.
​Today I help other women do the same.


 Having an abortion has made me believe
strongly in adoption. Here’s my story. 


Adoption is a difficult but beautiful option for
​women in crisis pregnancies


Sidewalk Chronicles Clip​

Our Adoption Journey

Bishop Joseph Coffey

Agnus Dei Foundation Advisory Board Member

Radio Interviews

Famela & Friends Interview

Laura Ardito, the Executive Director of Lamb of God with
Sarah Keller a Birth Mother and former resident of Lamb of God Maternity Home.​

​LOCAL Closer Look: Lamb of God Maternity Home Escondido CA

​Jeanice Lee met with Laura Ardito, the Program Director with Lamb of God Maternity Home in Escondido, CA. We learn who this non-profit is, why they were founded, we learn what open adoption is, the mission behind the work they do, how their approach is different from other maternity homes in the area, we learn how big the problem is of unplanned pregnancy in the community, how they help the women with health care within their 24-7 wrap around care, spiritually how they pour into the women, mentoring the women, career and literacy guidance they provide women, partnerships with other organizations in the community,  intake process, how they continue to help the women after they give birth, and future goals for the home.


Contact us today if you or someone you know is in a crisis pregnancy and needs extra support! You are not alone.

Safe & Supportive Maternity Home